Highly Sought After "L. Giorgi" 3/4 Facing Bust Pattern Dollar of Yuan Shih-kai
CHINA. Silver Dollar Pattern, Year 3 (1914). Tientsin Mint. PCGS SPECIMEN-62 Gold Shield.
L&M-73; K-643a; KM-Pn33; WS-0167; Wenchao-pg. 535#859 (rarity four stars); Shanghai Museum-Mr. Shi Jiagan's collection-pg. 138#634; Sun-III-2-14. Signed by "L. Giorgi". VERY RARE. Pop: 3, two graded finer by PCGS. This pattern exhibits a bold strike showing every detail of Yuan Shih-kai's hair, eyes, and a good portion of his mustache. The fields are frosty, softly lustrous, and imbued with gray to dark gray tone. A slight break in tone occurs on the cheek, a natural high point that was most probably in contact with a containment device in the past and thus toned differently. For all practical purposes this example is as good an offering as one is likely to see in the near future. Proposed pattern for the 1914 Yuan Shih-kai Dollar of Year 3 (1914). Vastly different from the adopted type as this piece features a three-quarters facing portrait of Yuan Shih-kai, rather than the left facing portrait found on the circulation issues. Two major varieties exist of this pattern designed by chief engraver Luigi Giorgi. This is an example of the second type which is signed, just to the right of the bust along the interior of the rim. This second type with the signature is substantially rarer than the unsigned type. Beautiful peripheral toning cradles the stern and authoritative portrait.
Estimate: $75000.00- $85000.00
備受追捧的袁世凱七分臉"L. Giorgi"簽字版樣幣
"L. Giorgi"簽名。 極罕 。Pop:僅3枚,PCGS評鑑中另有兩枚分數更高。此枚樣幣鑄打深峻,袁世凱像栩栩如生,髮絲、眼睛及鬍鬚雕刻細緻。霜化底板,光澤柔和,帶灰至深灰色包漿,僅在臉頰處因其是高鑄處,與貯藏容器有所接觸而出現包漿色澤差異。儘管如此,這枚樣幣依然是千載難逢的一枚瑰寶。 民國三年袁世凱壹圓銀幣的樣幣,與最終採納的設計大相徑庭。此枚可見袁世凱的七分像而流通版則是左臉像。此設計存在兩個主要版別,均由雕刻師 Luigi Giorgi設計。此枚屬第二版別,右胸處內緣帶簽名。帶簽名的第二版較第一版無簽名更為難得。漂亮的環狀包漿襯托莊嚴的肖像。 On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collector's items manufactured in China. Accordingly, all buyers in forthcoming Stack's Bowers and Ponterio Hong Kong Auctions who wish to have any Chinese manufactured item delivered within the United States will be subject to these tariffs. Furthermore, as a result of the new tariffs, all orders will be shipped directly from our Hong Kong offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.
Price realized | 190'000 USD |
Starting price | 45'000 USD |
Estimate | 75'000 USD |