Ladislaus IV of Poland, Thaler Bromberg 1636 II - RARE Rare and very nicely preserved thaler of Ladislaus IV Vasa. Variety with dots •/• at the beginning and end of the obverse legends and with two dots ••/•• at the end and beginning of the reverse legends.
Obverse: half-figure of the king holding a sword and the orb of rule, to the right, below the coat of arms of Sas, treasurer Jan Daniłowicz VLADIS IIII DG REX PO - MD LIT RVS PRVS MA Reverse: crowned, nine-field coat of arms shield surrounded by a chain with the Order of the Golden Fleece, on the sides the initials II, guard of Jakub Jacobson SAM LIV NE NO SVE - GOT VAND Q HR REX
Diameter 45 mm, weight 28.65 g
During the reign of Ladislaus IV, there was a ban on minting small coins, passed under his predecessor. It included both state and city mints. Therefore, the crown mints in Bromberg, and then from 1644 in Krakow, minted only half-thalers, thalers, ducats and their multiples. The mint production of Prussian cities - Danzig, Thorn and Elbing - looked similar. The Lithuanian Mint was not working at that time. The exception was a probe 10 ducats coin minted in 1640. Probe series of 3 groschen, 6 groschen and 18 groschen was also prepared by the Bromberg mint in 1635. In addition to the above-mentioned issues, Władysław Vasa's coinage also includes kopecks bd from the times when Prince Władysław was elected Tsar of Moscow and three kreuzer Duchy of Oppeln-Rattibor from 1647. Rzadki i ładnie zachowany talar Władysława IV Wazy. Odmiana z kropkami • / • na początku i końcu legend awersu oraz z dwoma kropkami •• / •• na końcu i początku legend rewersu. Egzemplarz w ciemnej patynie, ale tło z wyraźnym menniczym połyskiem. Ponadprzeciętny talar Władysława IV Wazy. Reference: Dostych 36.2.08 (R5-R6), Kopicki 1491 (R), Tyszkiewicz 8 mk, Davenport 4326
Grade: XF
Price realized | 3'444 EUR |
Starting price | 2'365 EUR |