WÓJCICKI - Polish Auction House

Auction 11  –  4 - 10 March 2023

WÓJCICKI - Polish Auction House, Auction 11

Ancient, Polish and World Coins, Paper Money and Shares

Part 1: Sa, 04.03.2023, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 2: Sa, 04.03.2023, from 4:00 PM CET
Part 3: Su, 05.03.2023, from 10:00 AM CET
Part 4: Su, 05.03.2023, from 7:00 PM CET
Part 5: Mo, 06.03.2023, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 6: Tu, 07.03.2023, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 7: We, 08.03.2023, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 8: Th, 09.03.2023, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 9: Fr, 10.03.2023, from 5:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


Silesia, Duchy of Oels, Christian Ulrich I, Gröschel Oels 1698 LL Variety with initials LL under the Eagle on the reverse, initials of Lukas Laurentius, mintmaster of Oels mint in 1694-1699. Odmiana z inicjałami LL pod Orłem na rewersie, Lukasa Laurentiusa, mincmistrza mennicy oleśnickiej w latach 1694-1699. Reference: F.u.S. 2414
Grade: XF-

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Price realized 21 EUR
Starting price 11 EUR
The auction is closed.
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