Constantine VIII AD 1025-1028. Constantinople
Histamenon Nomisma AV
25 mm, 4,39 g
+ IҺS XIS RЄX RЄGNANTIҺm, bust of Christ facing, with cross-nimbus with two crescents in upper quarters, wearing tunic and himation, raising His right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in His left, all within triple border of dots / + CωҺSτAҺτIҺ bASILЄuS ROm, bust of Constantine VIII facing, wearing crown surmounted by small cross, collar piece and loros, holding akakia in his left hand and cross-topped labarum, with no pellet on shaft, in his right, all within triple border of dots.
Good Very Fine, a few scrapes
Sear 1815.