★ Likely the Finest Known Example ★
Kings of Armenia Minor, Aristoboulos Æ25. Nicopolis-ad-Lycum, or Chalkis, dated RY 17 = AD 70/1. BACIΛEΩC APICTOBOYΛOY ET [IZ](date), diademed and draped head left / TITΩ OΥECΠACIANΩ AYTOKPATΩP CEBACTΩ in six lines within wreath. Kovacs 301; cf. Meshorer 367a; cf. Hendin 1258; cf. Sofaer 172; cf. RG 3; cf. RPC II 1692. 9.82g, 25mm, 12h.
Extremely Fine. Very Rare, and probably the finest known specimen, also free of the countermark almost always to be found marring this issue.
From a private German collection.
Price realized | 38'000 GBP |
Starting price | 15'000 GBP |
Estimate | 25'000 GBP |