Sammlungen und Nachlässe Übersee
Lot von sechs Goldmünzen: 1x 2 Pounds Asarfi Nepal VS 2038 (1981) auf das 10. Regierungsjubiläum König Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Devs, Fried. 53; 1x 1 Pound Südafrika 1929, Fried. 5; 1x 1 Dukat Österreich 1915, Nachprägung, Fried. 494; 1x 20 Franken (Vreneli) Schweiz 1949, Fried. 499; 2x 100 Dollar 'Athena und Athlet' Kannada 1976, Fried. 6, vz-st.
Lot of six gold coins: 1 x 2 Pounds Asarfi Nepal on face 2038 (1981) on the 10. Government anniversary King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Devs, Fried. 53; 1 x 1 Pound South Africa 1929, Fried. 5; 1 x 1 ducat Austria 1915, restrike mint, Fried. 494; 1 x 20 Franc (Vreneli) Switzerland 1949, Fried. 499; 2 x 100 Dollar 'Athena and athlete' Canada 1976, Fried. 6, extremly fine to uncirculated.
Price realized | 2'800 EUR |
Starting price | 2'500 EUR |