
Auction 10  –  25 - 28 April 2023

Rhenumis, Auction 10

Coins and Medals, Banknotes, Literature, Watches, Jewellery

Part 1: Tu, 25.04.2023, from 10:00 AM CEST
Part 2: We, 26.04.2023, from 10:00 AM CEST
Part 3: Th, 27.04.2023, from 10:00 AM CEST
Part 4: Th, 27.04.2023, from 3:00 PM CEST
Part 5: Fr, 28.04.2023, from 10:00 AM CEST
Part 6: Fr, 28.04.2023, from 3:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Medaillen Medaillen Ausland nach 1900
Schweiz. schönes Lot aus sieben Medaillen, überwiegend Schützenmedaillen, davon zwei Sammleranfertigungen, darunter Blei-/Zinnmedaille von 1874 aus St. Gallen zum eidgenössischen Schützenfest (Richter 1162d), unbedingt besichtigen, ss-vz.

Switzerland. Nice lot from seven medals, mainly protect medals, two of them Tailor-made collector, beneath lead / pewter medal from 1874 from St. Gallen to the Federal shooting festival (Richter 1162 d), must see, very fine to extremly fine.

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Price realized --
Starting price 70 EUR
The auction is closed.
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