
Auction 14  –  19 - 20 April 2024

Numismad, Auction 14

Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and World Coins & Seals

Part 1: Fr, 19.04.2024, from 5:00 PM CEST
Part 2: Sa, 20.04.2024, from 5:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Unidentified Byzantine Pb seal (10.27g, 24mm) Stephanos proedros of Doara (in Kappadokia - Asia Minor) - (eleventh century).
Obverse: Bust of St John Prodromos holding a staff cross over his left shoulder. Sigla on either side: ὁ ἅ(γιος) Ἰω(άννης) ὁ Πρόδ(ρομος). Border of dots.
Reverse: Inscription of six lines: Σφραγ(ὶς) Στεφάν(ου) προέδρου Δοάρ(aς)
Proedros (πρόεδρος) – "president", a title initially reserved for eunuchs, in the mid-11th century, became available to "bearded men"; awarded to high-ranking court and church officials, but also to military officials. The title was also given to women, they were then called proedrissa (προέδρισσα). In the church hierarchy, bishops and metropolitans were often referred to as proedros due to the leadership of the local clergy. In the 13th century, this term changed its meaning and was used only in relation to bishops who held under vacant bishoprics under its jurisdiction
Procopius, Aedificiis (=”The Buildings”) V 4, 15-18:
- "In Cappadocia, however, the fortress of Mokesos lay on a plain, in a sad state, partly in ruins, partly in danger of collapsing. Emperor Justinianus had the fortress torn down and placed further to the west on a steep, very high and unassailable slope He built a mighty fortification here. He also built many sanctuaries, inns, thermal baths and everything else that makes a city so attractive. At that time, Mokesos was given the status of metropolis; that's what the Romans call the first city in the province. The city is now called Viransehir and is located above Helvadere, about 27 km southeast of Koloneia (TIB 2, 238f). Five suffragans were attached to the Metropolis Justinianupolis: the bishops of Doara, Koloneia, Matiane, Nazianzos and Parnassos. Petros is attested as the first metropolitan in 536 (TIB 2, 238). Theopemptos took part in the 6th Ecumenical Council of 680/681 and also signed the acts of the Quinisextum in Constantinople in 691/692, in the 35th place, as "by the grace of God, bishop of the Justinianupolites or the Mokisseni, metropolitan of the second province of the Cappadocians" (Ohme 148) - whereby his name, like the place name "Iustinianupolis" for Mokissos, disappears from tradition (PMBZ 8064).

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Price realized 60 EUR 13 bids
Starting price 10 EUR
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