Byzantine Lead Seal (Lead, 4.53 g. 18 mm.) Stratigios, protokentarches (10th century) Byzantine Lead Seal (Lead, 4.53 g. 18 mm.) Stratigios, protokentarches (10th century)
Obv: Bust of St. Basil, holding a cross in his right hand. Inscription on either side: [ὁ ἄγιο(ς) Βασίλ(ειος)]. No border visible.
Rev: Inscription of five lines: [Κ(ύρι)ε β(οή)θ(ει) τ]ῷ σῷ δού(λῳ) [Σ]τρατ[ι]γ(ίῳ) (πρωτο)κεντάρ[χ](ῃ). Indeterminate border.
Translation: Lord, help your servant Stratigios, protokentarches.
Schlumberger, p. 357; Doaks, BZS.1955.1.2656.
Year: 10th century
Diameter: 18 mm
Weight: 4.53 g
Material: Lead