Auction 1  –  10 December 2022

NUMISION, Auction 1

Ancient and World Coins

Sa, 10.12.2022, from 10:00 AM CET
The auction is closed.


Roman Republic, C. Coelius Caldus, AR Denarius, 104 BC, Rome mint.
Obv. Helmeted head of Roma left.
Rev. Victory in biga left, CALD below horses, •:Q in ex.
Silver, 3.97 g, 18.1 mm. Crawford 318/1b; Sydenham 582a.
Grade AU+, toned.

Republika Rzymska, C. Coelius Caldus, denar, Rzym, 104 przed Chr.
Av. głowa Romy w hełmie w lewo.
Rv. Wiktoria w bidze w lewo; CALD poniżej, w odcinku • :Q.
Srebro, 18,1 mm, 3,97 g. NZ-300411. Crawford 318/1b; Sydenham 582a.
Stan II+, gabinetowa patyna, piękna moneta.

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Price realized 138 EUR
Starting price 137 EUR
Estimate 171 EUR
The auction is closed.
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