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Auction 125
– 23 - 24 June 2021
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Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Germanic Migration Coins
Part 1: We, 23.06.2021, from 5:30 PM CEST
Part 2: Th, 24.06.2021, from 2:30 PM CEST
The auction is closed.
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The Roman Republic
The Viggo collection of Flavian Imperial Coins from provincial mints
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Migration of the Germanic Tribes
Byzantine Coins
The Peter Bartlett Collection of Coins of the Germanic Migration with a main focus on the Visigoths
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Lot 258
Eastern Celts, Danube region and Balkans. Tetradrachm imitating Philip III circa 2nd century BC, AR 16.46 g. Head of Heracles r., wearing lion skin ...
Price realized
850 CHF
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Lot 259
Eastern Celts, Danube region and Balkans. Drachm circa 2nd-1st century BC, AR 3.63 g. Laureate head of Zeus r. Rev. Celticized horse prancing l; abo...
Price realized
400 CHF
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Lot 260
Etruria, Populonia. 5 Asses 3rd century BC, AR 1.97 g. Facing head of Metus, wearing diadem; below, V. Rev. Trident. Vecchi II, 72-73. Vicari 70. EC...
Price realized
9'500 CHF
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Lot 261
Apulia, Uncertain mint. Bronze circa 300-250, AE 11.89 g. Head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet. Rev. [K]AIΣIEΣ – [EOYMENTHI] Thunderbolt; be...
Price realized
400 CHF
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Lot 262
Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos circa 510-450, AR 7.90 g. TARAΣ retrograde Oecist seated on dolphin r., l. arm extended; below, pecten. Rev. The same type...
Price realized
7'500 CHF
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Lot 263
Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos circa 510-450, AR 7.68 g. TAPAS retrograde Oecist on dolphin l., raising both hands; below, pecten. Rev. Four-spoked wheel...
Price realized
1'200 CHF
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Lot 264
Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos circa 510-450, AR 7.62 g. TARAS retrograde Oecist on dolphin r., raising l. hand and resting r. on dolphin's back; below, ...
Price realized
1'400 CHF
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Lot 265
Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos circa 510-450, AR 7.86 g. TAPAS Oecist on dolphin l., raising both hands; below, pecten. Rev. Female head (Satyra ?) l., w...
Price realized
1'400 CHF
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Lot 266
Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos circa 315-300, AR 7.88 g. Armed horseman galloping r., spearing downward; below horse, ΣΑ. Rev. TAPAΣ Dolphin rider l., ho...
Price realized
1'400 CHF
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Lot 267
Calabria, Tarentum. Stater circa 276-272 BC, AV 8.55 g. Laureate head of Zeus l.; behind, NK ligate. Rev. TAPANTINΩN Eagle with open wings standing ...
Price realized
28'000 CHF
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Lot 268
Lucania, Laos. Nomos circa 480-460, AR 7.53 g. ΛAΣ Man-headed bull l., head reverted, standing on dotted ground line. Rev. ΛAΣ Man-headed bull l., h...
Price realized
700 CHF
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Lot 269
Metapontum. Nomos circa 430-400, AR 7.74 g. Head of Apollo Carneios r. Rev. [M]ETA Ear of barley. Noe 336. SNG ANS 287 (these dies). Jameson 272 (th...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 270
Metapontum. Tetrobol circa 330, AV 2.85 g. ΛΕΥΚΙΠ[ΠΟΣ] Bearded head of Leucippus r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, bowl decorated with Scylla h...
Price realized
30'000 CHF
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Lot 271
Sybaris. Nomos circa 453-448 BC or 440-400, AR 7.90 g. Bull standing l. Rev. A(retrograde B)VM Bull standing r. Historia Numorum Italy –, cf. 1747. ...
Price realized
2'000 CHF
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Lot 272
Bruttium, Croton. Nomos circa 530-500, AR 8.04 g. [koppa]PO Tripod, legs ending in lion’s paws, with three handles. Rev. The same type incuse. Gorin...
Price realized
2'500 CHF
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Lot 273
Bruttium, Croton. Nomos circa 500-480, AR 7.40 g. [koppa]PO – TON Tripod, legs ending in lion’s paws, with three handles. Rev. Eagle flying r., incu...
Price realized
1'600 CHF
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Lot 274
Alliance issue with Sybaris. Nomos circa 510-500, AR 7.37 g. [(koppa)PO] Tripod, legs ending in lion’s paws, with three handles. Rev. VM Incuse bull...
Price realized
8'000 CHF
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Lot 275
Sicily, Catana. Drachm in the style of Procles circa 405, AR 4.20 g. Fast quadriga driven r. by charioteer, holding kentron and reins; above, Nike f...
Price realized
22'000 CHF
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Lot 276
Leontini. Tetradrachm circa 450, AR 17.29 g. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. LEO – NTI – NO – N Lion's head r., with jaws open and tongue protruding...
Price realized
11'000 CHF
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Lot 277
Leontini. Tetradrachm circa 430-425, AR 17.08 g. Laureate head of Apollo l. Rev. LEO – N – TI – NON Lions' head l., with open jaws and protruding to...
Price realized
4'000 CHF
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Lot 278
Messana. Tetradrachm circa 425-421, AR 17.33 g. MEΣΣANA Biga of mules driven r. In exergue, two dolphins snout to snout. Rev. MEΣ – ΣA – NI – O – N ...
Price realized
16'000 CHF
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Lot 279
Selinus. Didrachm circa 460-440, AR 8.77 g. Σ – Ε – Λ Ι – NO – TI – ON Heracles, naked, to r., pressing l. knee against Cretan bull and grasping r. ...
Price realized
15'000 CHF
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Lot 280
Selinus. Tetradrachm circa 440, AR 17.32 g. ΣΕΛΙΝΟ – Ν – ΤΙ – ΟΣ retrograde Slow quadriga l. in which stand Apollo and Artemis, respectively shootin...
Price realized
8'000 CHF
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Lot 281
Syracuse. Tetradrachm circa 510-500, AR 17.09 g. ΣVRA Slow quadriga driven r. by charioteer, wearing long chiton and holding reins in each hand. Rev...
Price realized
17'000 CHF
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Lot 282
Syracuse. Tetradrachm of the Demareteion series circa 480-465, AR 17.25 g. Slow quadriga driven r. by charioteer, holding kentron and reins; above, ...
Price realized
13'000 CHF
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Lot 283
Syracuse. Tetradrachm circa 460-440, AR 17.49 g. Slow quadriga driven r. by charioteer, holding kentron and reins; above, Nike flying r. to crown ho...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 284
Syracuse. Tetradrachm circa 430, AR 17.35 g. Charioteer, wearing a long chiton, driving a slow quadriga r.; above, Nike flying r. to crown the horse...
Price realized
12'000 CHF
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Lot 285
Syracuse. Tetradrachm, unsigned but attributed to Eukleidas circa 413-399, AR 17.29 g. Fast quadriga driven l. by charioteer, holding kentron and re...
Price realized
360'000 CHF
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Lot 286
Syracuse. Tetradrachm signed by Euth... and Phrygillos circa 413-399, AR 17.30 g. Fast quadriga driven r. by winged young god, holding reins with bo...
Price realized
28'000 CHF
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Lot 287
Syracuse. Litra signed by Eukleidas circa 405-395, AR 0.81 g. ΣYP – A Head of nymph Arethusa, wearing earring, necklace, sakkos and ampyx on which, ...
Price realized
4'250 CHF
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Lot 288
Syracuse. Decadrachm signed by Euainetos circa 400, AR 42.62 g. Fast quadriga driven l. by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in field above, Ni...
Price realized
55'000 CHF
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Lot 289
Syracuse. Quarter stater or 30 litrae circa 344-339/8, AV 2.15 g. [ZEY]Σ EΛEY – [ΘEPIOΣ] Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios l. Rev. ΣYP – A – KO – ΣI...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 290
Syracuse. 2 litrae circa 344-317, AR 1.09 g. ΣYRAKOΣ – IΩN Female janiform head; in r. field, one dolphin. Rev. Horse prancing r.; above, star. SNG ...
Price realized
2'750 CHF
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Lot 291
Syracuse. Decadrachm circa 317-310, AV 4.25 g. Laureate head of Apollo l. Rev. [ΣΥΡΑ] – ΚΟ – ΣΙΩΝ Prancing biga driven r. by charioteer holding rein...
Price realized
4'750 CHF
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Lot 292
Syracuse. Decadrachm, circa 317-310, AV 4.23 g. Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind head, pellet. Rev. ΣΥΡΑ – Κ – [ΟΣΙΩΝ] Prancing biga driven r. by ...
Price realized
4'000 CHF
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Lot 293
Syracuse. Tetradrachm circa 310-305, AR 16.97 g. KOPAΣ Head of Kore-Persephone r., wearing barley wreath, earring with drop pendant and necklace; ha...
Price realized
9'000 CHF
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Lot 294
The Carthaginians in Sicily and North Africa. Tetradrachm, uncertain mint in Sicily "people of the camp" circa 350-320, AR 16.78 g. Head of Tanit (K...
Price realized
6'000 CHF
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Lot 295
The Carthaginians in Sicily and North Africa. Tetradrachm "mint of the Camp" circa 320-300, AR 16.92 g. Head of Tanit (Kore-Persephone) l., wearing ...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 296
The Carthaginians in Sicily and North Africa. Trihemistater, Carthage circa 260, AV 12.46 g. Head of Tanit (Kore-Persephone) l., wearing barley wrea...
Price realized
30'000 CHF
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Lot 297
Macedonia, Acanthus. Tetradrachm circa 430-400, AR 17.23 g. Bull crouching to l., attacked by lion leaping on its back to r.; on rump of bull, ΔI. I...
Price realized
9'000 CHF
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Lot 298
Aenus. Tetradrachm circa 410, AR 13.36 g. Head of Hermes r., wearing petasus. Rev. AIN Goat walking r.; in r. field, caduceus. The whole within incu...
Price realized
8'000 CHF
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Lot 299
The Chalcidian League, Olynthus. Tetradrachm circa 410-401, AR 14.44 g. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. X – A – Λ / ΚΙΔ / ΕΩΝ Seven-stringed cithara...
Price realized
12'000 CHF
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Lot 300
The Chalcidian League, Olynthus. Tetradrachm circa 350, AR 14.44 g. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. Χ – A –Λ – ΚΙΔ – ΕΩΝ Seven-stringed cithara. SNG...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 301
Kings of Macedonia, Alexander I, 498-454. Octodrachm circa 492-480, AR 29.00 g. Warrior, wearing causia and holding two spears, standing behind hors...
Price realized
19'000 CHF
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Lot 302
Kings of Macedonia, Alexander I, 498-454. Octodrachm circa 476-460, AR 29.01 g. Warrior, wearing causia and holding two spears, standing behind hors...
Price realized
18'000 CHF
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Lot 303
Philip II, 359 – 336 and posthumous issues. Tetradrachm, Pella circa 342/1-337/6, AR 14.48 g. Laureate head of Zeus r. Rev. ΦIΛIΠ – ΠOY Horseman rid...
Price realized
5'500 CHF
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Lot 304
Philip III, 323 – 317. Stater, Colophon circa 322-319, AV 8.62 g. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Fast biga driven r. by charioteer holding...
Price realized
46'000 CHF
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Lot 305
Philip V, 220 – 179. Tetradrachm, Pella (?) circa 202-200, AR 16.49 g. Head of young Perseus l., wearing winged griffin-headed helmet, sword on his ...
Price realized
2'750 CHF
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Lot 306
Kings of Paeonia, Audoleon, circa 315 – 286. Tetradrachm, in the name and types of Alexander III, Astibus or Damastion circa 300-286, AR 17.09 g. He...
Price realized
1'000 CHF
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Lot 307
Thrace, Maroneia. Stater circa 350, AR 11.30 g. Horse with loose bridle prancing l.; below, dog l. Rev. ΕΠΙ Κ – ΑΛΛ – ΙΚΡΑ – ΤΕΟΣ around square in w...
Price realized
7'500 CHF
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Lot 308
Kings of Thrace, Lysimachus 323 – 281 and posthumous issues. Stater, Alexandria Troas (?) 305–281, AV 8.51 g. Diademed head of deified Alexander the...
Price realized
50'000 CHF
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Lot 309
Thessaly, Larissa. Drachm circa 380-365, AR 6.00 g. Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly r., wearing ampyx and necklace. Rev. ΛΑΡΙ / ΣΑΙΩΝ Hors...
Price realized
2'750 CHF
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Lot 310
Acarnania, Leucas. Stater circa 400-350, AR 8.51 g. Pegasus flying r.; below, Λ. Rev. Head of Athena l., wearing Corinthian helmet; behind, caduceus...
Price realized
2'250 CHF
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Lot 311
Acarnania, Leucas. Stater circa 400-350, AR 8.46 g. Pegasus flying l.; below, Λ. Rev. Head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; behind, caduceus...
Price realized
900 CHF
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Lot 312
Locri, Locri Opuntii. Stater circa 340, AR 12.01 g. Wreathed head of Demeter r., wearing necklace and earrings. Rev. OΠONTIΩN Ajax advancing r., dag...
Price realized
28'000 CHF
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Lot 313
Attica, Athens. Tetradrachm, uncertain mint in Asia Minor or the Levant circa 520, AR 17.62 g. Helmeted head of Athena l. Rev. AΘΕ Owl standing r., ...
Price realized
4'750 CHF
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Lot 314
Attica, Athens. Tetradrachm, civic mint circa 510, AR 17.34 g. Helmeted head of Athena r. Rev. AΘΕ Owl standing r., with closed wings, head facing; ...
Price realized
24'000 CHF
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Lot 315
Attica, Athens. Tetradrachm circa 420-404, AR 17.15 g. Head of Athena r., wearing crested helmet, earring and necklace; bowl ornamented with spiral ...
Price realized
900 CHF
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Lot 316
Aegina, Aegina. Stater circa 380, AR 12.01 g. Tortoise seen from above. Rev. Skew pattern within incuse square. Millbank pl. 2, 15. SNG Lockett 1995...
Price realized
11'000 CHF
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Lot 317
Corinthia, Corinth. Stater, circa 375-300, AR 8.53 g. Pegasus flying l.; below, [koppa]. Rev. Head of Athena l., wearing wreathed Corinthian helmet ...
Price realized
1'700 CHF
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Lot 318
Kingdom of Pontus, Mithradates VI Eupator, 120 – 63. Stater, uncertain mint circa 74, AV 8.33 g Diademed head of Mithradates VI r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / Μ...
Price realized
10'000 CHF
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Lot 319
Mysia, Cyzicus. Stater circa 450-400, EL 16.05 g. Head of Athena facing three-quarters r. with triple-crested Attic helmet, hair in heavy, twisted l...
Price realized
120'000 CHF
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Lot 320
Mysia, Cyzicus. Stater circa 450-400, EL 16.01 g. Youth on horseback l., crowning horse; below, tunny l. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. von Fritz...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 321
Mysia, Cyzicus. Stater circa 450-400, EL 15.98 g. Head of young male l.; below, tunny l. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. von Fritze 143 and pl. IV...
Price realized
26'000 CHF
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Lot 322
Mysia, Cyzicus. Stater circa 450-400, EL 16.03 g. Two eagles, with closed wings, confronting each other and standing on omphalos covered with networ...
Price realized
20'000 CHF
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Lot 323
Pergamum. Stater circa 334-332, AV 8.50 g. Head of deified Alexander the Great r., wearing lion’s skin headdress. Rev. Facing Palladium, wearing cal...
Price realized
17'000 CHF
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Lot 324
Kings of Pergamum, Eumenes I, 262 – 241. Tetradrachm 262-241, AR 17.00 g. Laureate head of Philetairos r. Rev. ΦΙΛΕΤΑΙΡΟΥ Athena seated l., holding ...
Price realized
2'250 CHF
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Lot 325
Troas, Skepsis. Drachm circa 460-400, AR 3.83 g. Σ – KH – ΨI – ON Forepart of Pegasus r. Rev. Palm tree; below, two bunches of grapes. All within sh...
Price realized
1'400 CHF
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Lot 326
Ionia, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Tetrobol circa 465-400, AR 2.07 g. Male figure standing facing, head l., leading with his r. arm a horse standing faci...
Price realized
550 CHF
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Lot 327
Islands off Caria, Cos. Tetradrachm circa 285-260, AR 14.96 g. Head of young Heracles r., wearing lion skin. Rev. Crab; below, bow in case. All with...
Price realized
3'500 CHF
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Lot 328
Dynasts of Caria, Maussolus, 377 – 353. Tetradrachm, Halicarnassus after 367, AR 15.11 g. Laureate head of Apollo facing three-quarters r. Rev. ΜΑΥΣ...
Price realized
17'000 CHF
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Lot 329
Dynasts of Caria, Maussolus, 377 – 353. Tetradrachm, Halicarnassus after 367, AR 15.13 g. Laureate head of Apollo facing three-quarters r. Rev. ΜΑΥΣ...
Price realized
1'600 CHF
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Lot 330
Hidrieus, 351-344. Tetradrachm circa 351-344, AR 15.24 g. Wreathed and draped head of Apollo facing slightly r. Rev. IΔPIEΩΣ Zeus standing r., holdi...
Price realized
3'200 CHF
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Lot 331
Pamphylia, Aspendus. Stater circa 330-250, AR 10.38 g. Two wrestlers grappling; in lower middle field, E. Rev. EΣTFEΔIY Slinger standing r.; in r. f...
Price realized
1'500 CHF
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Lot 332
Selge. Stater circa 325-250, AR 8.51 g. Two wrestlers grappling; in lower middle field, K. Rev. ΣEΛΓEΩN Slinger standing r.; in r. field, triskeles ...
Price realized
1'200 CHF
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Lot 333
Dynasts of Lycia. Kuprilli circa 470-435. Stater circa 470-435, AR 7.81 g. Sphynx seated r. Rev. ΚΟ – ΠΡ – ΛΛΕ Triskeles l.; all within a square bea...
Price realized
550 CHF
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Lot 334
Phoenicia, Byblos. Shekel third quarter of V century BC, AR 13.42 g. Winged sphynx seated l. Rev. Hawk standing l., wearing the double crown of Egyp...
Price realized
30'000 CHF
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Lot 335
Judaea, Bar Kokhba revolt. Tetradrachm or sela, Jerusalem 134-135, AR 14.78 g. Simon in Paleo-Hebrew characters Tetrastyle Temple of Jerusalem; in t...
Price realized
15'000 CHF
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Lot 336
Kings of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter as king, 305–285. Triobol, Alexandria 305-282, AV 1.77 g. Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ – ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟY E...
Price realized
6'000 CHF
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Lot 337
Kings of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter as king, 305–285. Pentadrachm, Alexandria circa 294-285, AV 17.82 g. Diademed head r., with aegis around neck. Rev. ...
Price realized
19'000 CHF
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Lot 338
Ptolemy III Euergetes, 246 – 221. Octodrachm in the name of Berenices II, Alexandria 244/243-221, AV 27.71 g. Diademed, veiled and draped bust of Be...
Price realized
36'000 CHF
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Lot 339
Ptolemy IV Philopator, 221-205. Octodrachm in the name of Ptolemy III, Alexandria circa 221-205, AV 27.80 g. Radiate and diademed bust of deified Pt...
Price realized
26'000 CHF
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Lot 340
Ptolemy IV Philopator, 221-205. Octodrachm in the name of Ptolemy III, Alexandria circa 221-205, AV 27.76 g. Radiate and diademed bust of deified Pt...
Price realized
26'000 CHF
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Lot 341
Ptolemy VI Philometor, 180 – 145 or Ptolemy VIII Euergetes, 145 – 116. Octodrachm in the name of Arsinoe II, Alexandria 180-116, AV 27.60 g. Diademe...
Price realized
14'000 CHF
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Lot 342
Didrachm, Neapolis (?) 269-266, AR 6.84 g. Head of Hercules, hair bound with ribbon, with club and lion’s skin over shoulder. Rev. She-wolf r., suc...
Price realized
7'200 CHF
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Lot 343
Didrachm circa 241-235, AR 6.67 g. Helmeted head of beardless Mars r., bowl decorated with griffin. Rev. ROMA Bridled horse's head r.; behind, sick...
Price realized
7'000 CHF
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Lot 344
Quadrigatus circa 225-214, AR 6.85 g. Laureate Janiform head of the Dioscuri. Rev. Jupiter, holding sceptre and hurling thunderbolt, in fast quadri...
Price realized
800 CHF
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Lot 345
Quadrigatus circa 225-214, AR 6.69 g. Laureate Janiform head of the Dioscuri. Rev. Jupiter, holding sceptre and hurling thunderbolt, in fast quadri...
Price realized
900 CHF
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Lot 346
60 Asses circa 211-207, AV 3.36 g. Bearded and draped head of Mars r., wearing Corinthian helmet; in l. field, mark of value, VX. Rev. Eagle standi...
Price realized
14'000 CHF
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Lot 347
Denarius circa 214-213, AR 3.58 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X (very large). Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in exergue, ROMA partially inc...
Price realized
475 CHF
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Lot 348
Denarius circa 214-213, AR 3.86 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in exergue, ROMA partially incuse on raised...
Price realized
275 CHF
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Lot 349
Denarius circa 214-213, AR 4.48 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in exergue, ROMA partially incuse on raised...
Price realized
1'400 CHF
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Lot 350
Denarius circa 214-213, AR 4.83 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in exergue, ROMA in linear frame. Sydenham ...
Price realized
525 CHF
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Lot 351
Denarius circa 208, AR 4.55 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, M and ROMA in linear frame. Sydenham 171...
Price realized
6'500 CHF
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Lot 352
Denarius, South Italy or Sicily after 211, AR 3.96 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, ROMA in linear fr...
Price realized
2'000 CHF
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Lot 353
Denarius, Central Italy (?) circa 207, AR 4.11 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, ROMA in linear frame....
Price realized
600 CHF
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Lot 354
Denarius, uncertain mint after 211, AR 4.57 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in exergue, ROMA. Sydenham –. R...
Price realized
375 CHF
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Lot 355
Denarius South East Italy circa 211-210, AR 3.41 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, H and in exergue, R...
Price realized
3'000 CHF
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Lot 356
Denarius circa 207, AR 4.08 g. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, cornucopiae and ROMA in linear frame. Sy...
Price realized
700 CHF
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Lot 357
Denarius, Central Italy circa 211-208, AR 4.49 g. Head of Roma r., wearing helmet with straight visor; behind, X. Rev. The Dioscuri galloping r.; a...
Price realized
1'600 CHF
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