Lucernae Numismatics

DECIMOQUINTA XV  –  16 July 2023

Lucernae Numismatics, DECIMOQUINTA XV

Ancient (Iberian, Celtic, Greek and Roman), Islamic (Al-Andalus), Medieval, S...

Su, 16.07.2023, from 6:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Ancient Hispania - Celsa (50-30 a.C.). Bronze As (14.76 g. 30 mm.) Celsa mint (Colonia Victrix Ivlia Lepida, actual Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). M. Fulvius and C. Otacilius, praefecti pro II viris for the fifth time.

COL VIC IVL LEP Female head right. Palm behind /

PR QVIN - M FVL C OTAC Pair of oxen right.


gVF. Original patina. Very scarce.

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Price realized --
Starting price 50 EUR
Estimate 90 EUR
The auction is closed.
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