London Ancient Coins

Auction 87  –  15 September 2024

London Ancient Coins, Auction 87

Numismatic Literature

Su, 15.09.2024, from 6:00 PM CEST
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AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 166. London The Royal Numismatic Society 2006. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 551 - ix, tavv. 96 in b/n. Ottimo stato. Indice: Ashton, R.H.J.: The beginning of bronze coinage in Karia and Lykia ·» 1-14, pl.1-5 Visonà, Paolo: A new Wrinkle in the mid-Carthaginian silver series ·» 15-23, pl.7-8 Meyer, Caspar: A lead test-piece from Histria in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford ·» 25-26 Mcintyre, Andrew P.: The Alexander tetradrachms of Termessos Major ·» 27-30, pl.9- 10 Kinns, Philip: A new third century BC didrachm of Chios in Ionia ·» 31-39, pl.11Kinns, Philip: A new didrachm of Magnesia on the Maeander ·» 41-47, pl.13 Lorber, Catharine C. / Houghton, Arthur: Cappadocian tetradrachms in the name of Antiochus VII (with an appendix of quantitive analyses by Petr Vesely) ·» 49-97, pl.15- 26 Barkay, Rachel: Seven new silver coins of Malichus I and Obodas III ·» 99-103 Hoover, Oliver D.: A reassessment of Nabataean lead coinage in light of new discoveries ·» 105-119, pl.27-30 Lönnqvist, Kenneth and Minna: The numismatic chronology of Qumran: fact and fiction ·» 121-165 Tye, Robert: Late Indian punchmarked coins in the Mir Zakah II hoard ·» 167-171 Tandon, Pankaj: New light on the Pāratarājas ·» 173-209 Elkins, Nathan T.: The Flavian Colosseum sestertii: currency or largess? ·» 211-221, pl.31-32 Duncan-Jones, R.P.: Crispina and the coinage of the empresses ·» 223-228 Dahmen, Karsten / Ilisch, Peter: Securitas Saeculi - a new revival of a Probus Reverse-type in the gold coinage of Constantine I ·» 229-231 Beliën, Paul: A previously unknown gold medallion of Constantius II Caesar from Ticinum ·» 233-235 Allen, Martin: The Cambridge Mint after the Norman conquest ·» 237-244, pl.33 Van Herwijnen, Arie / Ilisch, Peter: A medieval coin find from the Netherlands: filling a gap for Dorestad? ·» 245-249 Paszkiewicz, Borys: Anglo-Saxon and imitative pennies from the Raciazek hoard (1940) ·» 251-268, pl.35-38 Lianta, Eleni: John II Comnenus (1118-43) or John III Vatatzes (1222-54)? Distinguishing the hyperpyra of John II from those of John III ·» 269-299, pl.39-56 Kool, Robert: A thirteenth century hoard of gold florins from the medieval harbour of Acre ·» 301-320, pl.57-61 Gitler, Haim / Ponting, Matthew: Chemical analysis of medieval Islamic coin dies ·» 321-326, pl.63 Tandon, Pankaj: A gold coin of the Pāla king Dharmapāla ·» 327-333 Yih, T.D.: The typology of Xinjiang silver half miscal pieces inscribed Obdan Gumush / Besh Fen ·» 335-357, pl.65-70 Esty, Warren W.: How to estimate the original number of dies and the coverage of a sample ·» 359-364 COIN HOARDS 2006: Ancient hoards ·» 365-384 Stancomb, W.M.: Ukraine: A hoard found at Myrmekion, north-east of Panticapaeum, Ukraine ·» 373-4 Höghammar, Kerstin: A small hoard of Koan drachms and hemidrachms from c. 200 BC ·» 378- 380, pl.71 Meadows, A.R.: More from the 'Phoenicia' hoard (IGCH 1497) ·» 381-382, pl.72-73 Hardwick, Nicholas: IGCH 1649: Tell el Mashkouta, (anc. Pithom-Heroopolis), 17 km W. of Ismailia, 1947-1948 ·» 382-384, pl.74 Medieval and modern hoards ·» 385-414 Schindel, Nikolaus: A hoard of Umayyad copper coins from Baysān ·» 385-392, pl.75 Goodwin, Tony: A hoard of Byzantine tetartera and clipped folles ·» 393-400, pl.76 Fedorov, Michael: The Burana hoard of gold dinars (566-605/1170-1209) ·» 401-408, pl.77 Fedorov, Michael: A hoard of Khytai copper-lead alloy silver-washed dirhams from the Burana Hillfort ·» 409-414, pl.78-79 EXCAVATION COINS: Kosmidou, Elpida: Greek coins from the Eastern Cemetery of Amphipolis ·» 415-431, pl.81-82 Vorderstrasse, Tasha: A countermarked Byzantine coin of Heraclius (610-41) from Tell Kurdu ·» 433-438 Cribb, Joe, The President's address - Money as Metaphor (Part 2) ·» 493-517, pl.83- 96 REVIEW ARTICLE: Sawaya, Ziad: Le Monnayage d'Arados Hellénistique ·» 439-471. Ottimo stato.

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