London Ancient Coins

Auction 78  –  1 October 2023

London Ancient Coins, Auction 78

Numismatic Literature

Su, 01.10.2023, from 6:00 PM CEST
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AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 155. London The Royal Numismatic Society 1995. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 460 - xxii, tavv. 58 in b/n. Indice:Ashton, R.H.J.: Pseudo-Rhodian drachms from central Greece ·» 1-20, pl.1- Frolova, Nina / Ireland, Stanley: A hoard of Bosporan coins in the period third century BC to AD 238 from ancient Gorgippia (Anapa) 1987 ·» 21-42, pl.6-16 Johnston, Ann: Aphrodisias reconsidered ·» 43-100, pl.17-18 Mattingly, Harold B.: The Mesagne hoard and the coinage of the late Republic ·» 101- 108, pl.19-21 Duncan-Jones, R.P.: Change in the late Republican denarius ·» 109-11 Malek, Hodge Mehdi: The coinage of the Sasanian king Kavād II (AD 628) ·» 120-129, pl.22-24 Nikitin, Alexander / Roth, Gunter: The earliest Arab-Sasanian coins ·» 131-137, pl.25- 28 Pagan, Hugh: Mints and moneyers in the West Midlands and at Derby in the reign of Eadmund (939-46) ·» 139-161, pl.29 Archibald, Marion M. / Lang, Janet R.S. / Milne, Gustav: Four early medieval coin dies from the London waterfront ·» 163-200, pl.30-37 Blackburn, Mark / Mann, Jenny: A late Anglo-Saxon coin die from Flaxengate, Lincoln ·» 201-208, pl.38-39 Stewartby, Lord: German imitations of English short-cross sterlings ·» 209-260, pl.40- 46 NOTES: Kagan, Jonathan H. / Kritt, Brian: The coinage of Kindya ·» 261-265, pl.47 Pincock, Richard: Nero's large bronze coinage for Egypt ·» 266-271, pl.48 Korshenko, A. / Gorshkov, I. / Holmes, A. J.: The large bronze of Valentinian III ·» 271-275, pl.48 Munro-Hay, Stuart: A new gold coin of King MHDYS of Aksum ·» 275-277, pl.50 Nikitin, Alexander / Roth, Gunter: A new seventh-century countermark with a Sogdian inscription ·» 277-9, pl.49 Graham-Campbell, James / Blackburn, Mark: An unprovenanced Viking-Age silver hoard of tenth-century date ·» 279-282, pl.50-51 Phillips, Marcus: References to the French maille tierce in Italian accounts from 1278 ·» 283-288 REVIEW ARTICLES:de Callataÿ, F.: Calculating ancient coin production: seeking a balance ·» 289-311nBurton, Audrey: Shaibānid coinage: a reassessment. A review of E. A. Davidovich, Korpus ... Moscow 1992 ·» 313-320 COIN HOARDS 1995 ·» 321-363 Macdonald, David: A note on CH VIII, no.47: Ionia 1983 ·» 321-325, pl.50 Marinescu, Constantin A.: A first-century BC hoard of late cistophori ·» 325-330, pl.52-55 Blackburn, Mark: Two Norman deniers from the Stornoway hoard 1988-90 ·» 334-336, pl.50 Phillips, Marcus: A further thirteenth-century parcel from Syria ·» 359-361, pl.57 Metcalf, D.M., The President's address - Viking-Age Numismatics. 1. Late Roman and Byzantine Gold in the Northern Lands ·» 413-441. Ottimo stato

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