London Ancient Coins

Auction 76  –  19 July 2023

London Ancient Coins, Auction 76

The Michele Baranowsky Library

We, 19.07.2023, from 6:00 PM CEST
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AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 176 London The Royal Numismatic Society 2016. Red cloth, Vii, 490, X p., 67 pl. in b/w. Very good.Contents: Aneurin Ellis-Evans: Mytilene, Lampsakos, Chios and the Financing of the Spartan Fleet (406-404) ·» 1-19 Catharine C. Lorber: Die Study of the Antioch Tetradrachms of Antiochus VII Euergetes ·» 21-82 Rachel Barkay: The Coinage of the Nabataean King Obodas II (c. 30-9 BC) ·» 83-109 Paolo Visonà: More Greek Coins from Carthage and elsewhere in Tunisia ·» 111-133 Bernhard E. Woytek / Anna Zawadzka: Ockham's Razor. A Structural Analysis of the Denarii of Coelius Caldus ("RRC 437") ·» 135-153 Wilhelm Hollstein: The Aureus of Casca Longus (RRC 507/1) ·» 155-17 Benjamin D. R. Hellings: The Denarii of Septimius Severus and the Mobility of Roman Coin: the case of Roman Germany ·» 171-181 Edward Dandrow: The Latin Coins of Caracalla from Edessa in Osrhoene ·» 183-205 David Woods: Constantine's Tetradrachms ·» 207-220 Jean-Claude Richard Ralite / Cédric Lopez: Les Monnaies "à la Croix" à Légende berique AKEREKONTON ·» 221-226 Nikolaus Schindel: A new look at the "Thronfolgerprägungen" of the Sasanian king Ardashir I: Goodbye to Shapur I, welcome to Ardashir Sakanshah ·» 227-240 Miquel De Crusafont / Jaume Benages / Jaume Noguera: Silver Visigothic Coinage ·» 241-260 Simon Coupland: Recent Finds of Imitation Gold Solidi in the Netherlands ·» 261-269 David Woods: Hammer and Sword on the Coinage of Viking York c.919-27 ·» 271-281 Martin Allen: The York Local Coinage of the Reign of Stephen (1135-54) ·» 283-318 Robert Kool / Ehud Galili / Yaacov Sharvit: Mid-twelfth Century Crusader Cut Gold Fragments from a Shipwreck off the Carmel Coast ·» 319-325 Jos Benders: The Maille Blanche of Willem Miles ·» 327-331 Robert Tye: Maria Graham and the Politics of Small Change ·» 333-354 Ancient Hoards Gillian E. Bowen: A 4th century AD hoard from Ayn al-Sebil, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt ·» 355-358 Pierluigi Debernardi / Olivier Legrand: The Restored Selinunte 1891 Hoard and the other Quadrigati at Palermo Museum ·» 359-367 Pierluigi Debernardi / Steve Brinkman: An Early Roman Republican Denarius Hoard ·» 368-376 Spain: A Hoard of Late Roman and Visgothic Gol Ruth Pliego: Cuna, Seville 1972 ·» 377-386 A Small Hoard of Cologne and Cologne Imitation Pennies from BelgiuPeter Ilisch: Rochefort, Namur Province? 2015 ·» 387-389 Turkey: An Early Byzantine Hoard from Ephesus Nikolaus Schindel / Sabine Ladstätter: Ephesus 2016 ·» 390-398 Russia: A Hoard of Mostly Samanid Dirhams from the Liudinovski District of Kaluzhski Province Mikhail Fedorov / Andrei Kuznetsov / Ivan Kolosov: Liudinovski район (district) of Kaluzhski обласмь (province) c.2010 ·» 399-404 The Zaraisk Hoard of Islamic Dirhams Mikhail Fedorov / Andrei Kuznetsov / Ivan Kolosov: The region of Zaraisk, in Riazan' oblast' (province), spring 2016 ·» 405-413 Excavation Coins and Stray Finds Hale Güney: Unpublished Coins of Nicomedia ·» 415-430 Hüseyin Köker: The Coins from the 1954 Excavation at Daskyleion ·» 431-435 Jack Nurpetlian: A Catalogue of Coins in the Archaeological Museum of Homs, Syria ·» 436-445 Michele Asolati: Coin Finds from Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, near Alexandria, Egypt (2012-2015 ·» 446-458 Martin Biddle: Winchester Studies 8. The Winchester Mint and Coins and Related Finds from the Excavations of 1961-71 (Rev.: Richard Kelleher) ·» 459-466 F. Chaves Tristán, Ruth Pliego: Bellum et argentum. La Segunda Guerra Púnica en Iberia y el conjunto de monedas y plata de Villarrubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real), Sevilla (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla) (Rev.: Pere Pau Ripollès) ·» 467-472 Ευαγγελινη Μάρκου, Evangeline Markou: Νομισματική και Ιστορία; Coinage and History: The Case of Cyprus during the Archaic and Classical Periods. (Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia 2015) (Rev.: Jonathan Kagan) ·» 473 Julie Dalaison: Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France 7, Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques : Paphlagonie, Pont, Arménie Mineur, Numismatica Anatolica 5 (Rev.: Stanley Ireland) ·» 474-475 Antony Hostein, Jerome Mairat: Roman Provincial Coinage Volume IX. From Trajan Decius to Uranius Antoninus (AD 249 - 254) (Rev.: George Watson) ·» 476-482 M. Campagnolo-Pothitou, J.-C. Cheynet: Sceaux de la collection George Zacos au Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève (Collection byzantines du MAH 5) (Rev.: Federico Montinaro) ·» 483- 485 Ingrid Schulze: The Standing Caliph Coins of Jerusalem (Rev.: Tony Goodwi) ·» 486-487 Tony Goodwin, Rika Gyselen: Arab Byzantine Coins from the Irbid Hoard. Including a New Introduction to the Series and a Study of the Pseudo-Damascus Mint, (RNS SP no.53) (Rev.: Maria Vrij) ·» 487-489 Andrew Kuznetsov: Silver coins of Khwarezmshah Savshafan. Catalogue (Rev.: Susan Tyler- Smith) ·» 489-490

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Starting price 15 GBP
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