AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 172. London The Royal Numismatic Society 2012. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 424 - xxvi, tavv. 51 in b/n. Indice: Nicholas L. Wright: The Horseman and the Warrior: Paionia and Macedonia in the Fourth Century BC ·» 1-26 R.H.J. Ashton: Cyme in Aeolis: Persic-weight Didrachms, Seleucid Attic-weight Coinage, and Contemporary Autonomous Bronzes ·» 27-34, pl.1 Richard Pincock: Are th Denominational Indications on Ptolemaic Bronze Coins? ·» 35-46 Daniela Williams / Bernhard E. Woytek: The Rediscovery of a Lost Sestertius Type and the Dacian Embassy to the Roman Senate in AD 102 ·» 47-62, pl.2-5 Kevin Butcher / Matthew Ponting: The Beginning of the End? The Denarius in the Second Century ·» 63-83 David Woods: Postumus and the Three Suns: Neglected Numismatic Evidence for a Solar Halo ·» 85-92, pl.6 Sushma Jansari: Roman Coins from the Mackenzie Collection at the British Museum ·» 93-104 Peter Guest: The Production, Supply and Use of Late Roman and Early Byzantine Copper Coinage in the Eastern Empire ·» 105-131 Martin Allen: A Lead Striking of the Henry II Cross-and-Crosslets (Tealby) Coinage from Thetford ·» 133-135 Richard Cassidy: Richard of Cornwall and the Royal Mints and Exchanges, 1247-59 ·» 137-156 Martin Allen: The Administration, Profits and Output of the Berwick Mint under English Control ·» 157-159 Beata Miazga / Borys Paszkiewicz / K. Wachowski: The Wielka Wieś (Szadek) Hoard of Bracteates, Parvi and Ingots ·» 161-204, pl.7-11 Irakli Paghava / Severiane Turkia: A Unique Coin of Abū al-Hayjā, Ja'farid Emir of Tiflis ·» 205-212 METALLURGY in NUMISMATICS 5 David Sellwood: Counterfeit Parthian Drachms ·» 215-217, pl.12 Christoph Raub / Ulrich Zwicker: Cast Forgeries of Roman Denarii and Antoniniani, Silver-tin-copper and Copper-tin Alloys ·» 219-226, pl.13-14 M.R. Cowell / P. Guest: Scientific Examination of Siliqua Copies and Forgeries from the Hoxne Treasure ·» 227-233, pl.15-17 William Andrew Oddy / M.M. Archibald / M.R. Cowell / N.D. Meeks: Forgeries of Medieval English Gold Coins: Techniques of Production ·» 235-254, pl.18-21 K. Eremin / N.M. Holmes / J. Tate: Analysis of some Scottish Base Metal Issues of Mary and James VI ·» 255-263, pl.22-27 Charles W. Smith / Philip L. Mossman: Eighteenth Century Counterfeit English and Irish Halfpence ·» 265-276, pl.28 Thilo Rehren / Eckhard Pappert / Alex von Bohlen: The Chemical Composition of Early Russian Platinum Coins ·» 277-286, pl.29 G. Dyer: The Counterfeiting of Sovereigns in the Nineteenth Century ·» 287-292, pl.30-31 COIN HOARDS 2012 Richard Ashton: Ancient hoards ·» 293-294 Nicholas Hardwick: Hierapytna (mod. Hierapetra), Crete, 1933? ·» 295-305, pl.32-40 Medieval and modern hoards Eric Vandenbossche / Simon Coupland: Une trouvaille de deniers Carolingiens dans la région de Bray-sur-Seine ·» 307-321, pl.41-44 Jacques Labrot: Île-de-France, Marcq en yvelines 2012 ·» 322 Michael Märcher: Six early modern Danish coin hoards ·» 323-332, pl.45-49 Andrea Gariboldi / Nikolaus Schindel: A hoard of Kushano-Sasanian copper coins from Hulbuk ·» 333, pl.50 Michael Fedorov / Andrew Kuznetsov: Returning to the Kuiuk-kala hoard of early mediaeval Khwarezmian drachms ·» 335-341 pl.51 Excavation coins Dinçer Savas Lenger: Coins From The Tieion Excavations, including an unpublished Koinon Bithynion coin ·» 343-346 REVIEW ARTICLE (Reviewer in brackets) Bernhard Woytek: The Roman Imperial Coinage of Trajan (Rev.: Curtis L. Clay) ·» 347- 362 REVIEWS Annalisa Polosa: Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Sibaritide. Il Medagliere. (Rev. Paolo Visonà) ·» 363f Mauro R. Viola: Corpus Nummorum Punicorum. ((Rev. Paolo Visonà) ·» 365 Michael Harian: Roman Republican Moneyers and their Coins, 81 BCE to 64 BCE. ((Rev. Andrew McCabe) ·» 367-36 R. Bland, X. Loriot: Roman and Early Byzantine Gold Coins found in Britain and lreland. ((Rev. Peter Guest) ·» 369-372 Ermanno A. Arslan: Il ripostiglio di Corneliano Bertario (Truccazzano - Milano). 1013 Antoniniani dall'imperatore Valeriano all'imperatore Aureliano (III secolo d. C.). ((Rev. Antonino Crisà) ·» 372f Martin Huth: Coinage of the Caravan Kingdoms: Ancient Arabian Coins from the Collection of Martin Huth. (W.A. Oddy) ·» 373-376 Martin Huth, Peter G. van Alfen (eds): Coinage of the Caravan Kingdoms: Studies in the Monetization of Ancient Arabia. (W.A. Oddy) ·» 373-376 Bradley R. Nelson (ed.): Numismatic Art of Persia. The Sunrise Collection. Part l: Ancient - 650 BC to AD 650. (Susan Tyler-Smith) ·» 377-386 Rahmi Hüseyin Ünal, Friedrich Krinzinger, Michael Alram, Şule Pfeiffer-taş (eds.): Der Münzschatz von Beçin. Philosophische-historische Klasse, Denkschriften, vol. 96. (Eugen Nicolae) ·» 386-394 Tomáš Kleisner, Jan Boublik: Coins and Medals of the Emperor Francis Stephen of Lorraine: collection of the National Museum, Prague. (Ian d'Alton) ·» 394f The President's address - Mayhew, Nicholas: The quantity theory of money: 3. Velocity ·» 397-403. Ottimo stato.