ISLAMIC, al-Maghreb (North Africa). Marinids. temp. Abu Yahya Abu Bakr ibn 'Abd al-Haqq I, AH 642-656 / AD 1244-1258. Dinar (Gold, 32 mm, 4.54 g, 12 h), without mint and date. Within a square, ‘al-wāḥid Allāh / Muḥammad rasūl Allāh / al-Qurʾān kalām Allāh’ (‘The One is Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The Qurʾān is the word of Allah’ in Arabic); in the margin within a circle, ‘bism Allāh al-raḥmān al-raḥīm / ṣalla Allāh ʿalā sayyidinā [Muḥammad] / wa ilāhukum ilāh wāḥid / lā ilāha illā huwa al-raḥmān al-raḥīm’ (‘In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. May Allah bless our master Muhammad. And your God is One God; there is no God save Him, the Beneficent, the Merciful’ in Arabic; the last part = Qurʾān 2: 163). Rev. Within a square, ‘al-shukr lillāh / wa al-minnat lillāh / wa al-ḥawl wa al-quwwa lillāh’ (‘Thanks be to Allah, and gratefulness be to Allah, and power and strength belong to Allah’ in Arabic); in the margin within a circle, ‘huwa al-awwal wa al-ʾākhir / wa al-ẓāhir wa al-bāṭin / wa huwa bi kulli / shayʾin ʿalīm’ (‘He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things’ in Arabic; Qurʾān 57: 3). Album 520. The flan slightly wavy, otherwise, good extremely fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.
Price realized | 420 CHF |
Starting price | 150 CHF |