Kolbe & Fanning

Auction 171  –  2 November 2024

Kolbe & Fanning, Auction 171

The BCD Numismatic Library Part 2

Sa, 02.11.2024, from 5:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


Oisel, Jacob. THESAURUS SELECTORUM NUMISMATUM ANTIQUORUM. QUO, PRÆTER IMAGINES & SERIEM IMPERATORUM ROMANORUM À C. IUL. CAESARE AD CONSTANTINUM MAGNUM USQUE, QUICQUID FERE MONUMENTORUM EX ROMANA ANTIQUITATE IN NUMMIS VETERIBUS RESTAT, RECONDITUM EST. CUM SINGULORUM SUCCINCTA DESCRIPTIONE & ACCURATA ENARRATIONE, AUCTORE JAC. OISELIO, JC. Amstelodami: Ox [sic] Officina Henrici & Theodori Boom, 1677. Two volumes, complete, bound in one. 4to, contemporary full vellum; hand-lettered spine. (14) pages; 118 finely engraved plates, mostly depicting coins; 570, (16), (6) pages; woodcut initials and tailpiece. Lacks engraved frontispiece title. Early underlining to opening leaves; occasional spotting. Very good or better. A handsome copy of the first edition. The plates are well done and are nicely printed in this copy, with good impressions on clean paper. Quite scarce, especially with the final three leaves, which comprise an errata and instructions to the bookbinder. Banduri (1718) 44. Brückmann (1729) 101. Brunet 29697. Dekesel O10 [Issue 1, with “Ox” on title page]. Hirsch 95. Lipsius 295. Van Damme (1807) lot 618.

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Price realized 375 USD
Starting price 200 USD
Estimate 300 USD
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