Kolbe & Fanning

Auction 169  –  17 February 2024

Kolbe & Fanning, Auction 169

The BCD Numismatic Library

Sa, 17.02.2024, from 6:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


The Recueil Général of the Coins of Asia Minor

Waddington, W.H., E. Babelon, and Th. Reinach. RECUEIL GÉNÉRAL DES MONNAIES GRECQUES D’ASIE MINEURE. Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1904–1912. First edition. Tome premier. Four parts (all published). 4to, Parts I, II and IV in contemporary blue cloth, gilt; Part III in later green quarter morocco with marbled sides; spine with five raised bands, lettered in gilt; marbled endpapers. Premier Fascicule: Pont et Paphlagonie. Paris, 1904. (4), 210, (2) pages; 28 fine plates. Deuxième Fascicule: Bithynie (jusqu’à Juliopolis). Paris, 1908. (4), (211)–393, (1) pages; plates 29–64. Troisième Fascicule: Nicée et Nicomédie. Paris, 1910. (4), (395)–572, (2) pages; plates 65–98. Quatrième Fascicule: Prusa, Prusias, Tius. Paris, 1912. (4), (575)–640, (2) pages; plates 99–111. First two volumes with some plates coming loose from the spine. Generally very good. A great classic work. A supplementary fifth volume was apparently planned, and announced in a 1935 Alfred Page numismatic book catalogue: “Le cinquième fascicule, comprenent le Supplément, l’Introduction et les Tables, est sous presse.” Unfortunately, this was never issued. Clain-Stefanelli 2600*. Daehn 4529. Grierson 57.

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Price realized 1'600 USD
Starting price 650 USD
Estimate 1'000 USD
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