Jesús Vico S.A.

Auction 158  –  14 April 2021

Jesús Vico S.A., Auction 158

50th anniversary - Ancient, Spanish and World Coins, Literature and Antiquities

We, 14.04.2021, from 11:30 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


REINOS DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN. ALFONSO X. Sello pendiente en plomo. Comienzo de las ley. en anv. y rev. ILDEFONSI ILLVSTRIS. PB 123,31 g. 55 mm. Guglieri-59. FN-pág. 143. Pátina blanquecina. MBC-. Rara.

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Price realized 725 EUR
Starting price 350 EUR
The auction is closed.
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