
Online Auction 75  –  29 November 2022

Ibercoin, Online Auction 75

Ancient, Spanish and World Coins

Tu, 29.11.2022, from 11:00 AM CET
The auction is closed.


IMPERIO KUSHAN, Vasudeva I. Tetradracma. (Ae. 8,90g/22mm). 192-225 d.C. (Göbl Type 1000). Anv: Vasudeva I estante a izquierda portando tridente, a sus pies altar, alrededor leyenda. Rev: Shiva estante de frente portando diadema y tridente, acompañada de vaca, alrededor leyenda. MBC.

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Price realized 46 EUR
Starting price 35 EUR
The auction is closed.
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