En marbre, figurant une scène de combat entre animaux : le lion v. la droite attaque une gazelle, pendant que l'autre v. la gauche mord un ibex.
H. 22 mm ; D. 13 mm.
Mésopotamie, culture protodynastique III. 2600-2340 av. J.-C.
Provenance : Fondation Rassla, Zurich, Giancarlo Ligabue (1931-2015), 1975.
A Mesopotamian Protodynastic marble cylinder seal showing a fighting scene; a lion attacking a gazelle while another attacks anibex. 2600-2340 B.C
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Buyers inside European Union : The lot is sold under Temporary Import status. Buyers will only have to pay additional paperworks fees. No import VAT will be charged to them.
Estimate: 1000/1200
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