Heritage Auctions

Weekly Auction 232032  –  6 - 7 August 2020

Heritage Auctions, Weekly Auction 232032

Ancient and World Coins

Part 1: Th, 06.08.2020, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part 2: Fr, 07.08.2020, from 3:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


Basil II Bulgaroctonos (AD 976-1025), with Constantine VIII. AV tetarteron nomisma (20mm, 7h). ANACS XF 45. Constantinople, AD 1005-1025. + IhS XIS RЄX REϚNANTIhm, bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cruciger ornamented with two pellets in each arm, pallium, and colobium, raising right hand in benediction, book of Gospels cradled in left arm / + bASIL C COhSTAh TIb R, facing busts of Basil II (on left), wearing loros of lozenge pattern, and Constantine VIII (on right), wearing robe with V-shaped neckline decorated with jewels and pearls, jointly holding patriarchal cross between them, X on shaft. Sear 1806. Ex Glenn Woods, private sale with old dealer tag


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Price realized 800 USD
Starting price 1 USD
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