Heritage Auctions Europe

Auction 82  –  13 - 18 May 2024

Heritage Auctions Europe, Auction 82

Ancient, Dutch and World Coins, Medals, Orders and Decorations, Banknotes

Part 1: Mo, 13.05.2024, from 9:30 AM CEST
Part 2: Mo, 13.05.2024, from 5:00 PM CEST
Part 3: Tu, 14.05.2024, from 9:30 AM CEST
Part 4: We, 15.05.2024, from 9:30 AM CEST
Part 5: Th, 16.05.2024, from 9:30 AM CEST
Part 6: Fr, 17.05.2024, from 9:30 AM CEST
Part 7: Sa, 18.05.2024, from 9:30 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


Medals in boxes - Netherlands - Nice lot of 5 medals in boxes on Amsterdam - 'Beloningspenning Amsterdamsche Commissie voor Plan 1913' by Begeer (KB.1093A, without loop), 'Alg. Steuncomité Amsterdam 1914-1919' (KB.214), '250 Jaar Oude Vrouwen- en Mannenhuis 1933', '25 Jaar Kon. Zeepfabrieken De Duif v/h Pleines, aan firma H.J. Meyer' by R. Lubach 'Amsterdam Getrouw Bevonden' silver and '25-Jarig bestaan "Liefdadigheid naar Vermogen" 1896' (KB.270) av. XF

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Price realized --
Starting price 80 EUR
The auction is closed.
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