dating: about 1690 provenance: Venice, Of circular form in gilded bronze. On the obverse, the Doge Francesco Morosini sitting with sceptre and the lion of St. Mark. On the back inscription in the centre in an oval 'S. C. FRANCISC MAUROCENO DEI CRA TEN DUX VEN ET C' (not entirely legible). On sides two allegories. Suspension ring. Francesco Morosini was the 4th Doge of the Morosini family. He conquered the Morea and this feat earned him the nickname Peloponnesian. He ordered the bombing of the Parthenon in Athens, where the Turks had placed a powder magazine; the explosion caused severe damage to the ancient temple. He was also an important naval strategist who personally took part in very dangerous military actions and was never defeated. The name Mauroceno is confirmed by a bust with the inscription 'Francisco Mauroceno Peloponesiaco, adhuc viventi Senatus' (The Senate to Francis Morosini, the Peloponnesian, still living). diameter 5.5 cm.
Price realized | 1'200 EUR |
Starting price | 300 EUR |
Estimate | 600 EUR |