Poland (Bydgoszcz) Copy of 5 Ducats Medal, ND - Vadislaus IV Wasa (1632-1648)
8.93g. 34mm. UNC/UNC. Cast or galvano copy of the very rare medal. Obv.: Bust of the king with uncovered head facing right. In armor decorated with a lion's head on the shoulder, with a wide collar trimmed with lace. VLADIS IV DG REX POL M DUX LITV RVSSIAE. Rev.: Under the crown, a four-field coat of arms, decorated with volutes. In the shield: Polish Eagle, three crowns - Sweden, Pogoń - Lithuania, Lion on stripes - Gotland. In the middle there is a small two-field shield with the Snop Vasa coat of arms and the Habsburg family coat of arms. On the sides are the initials II (Jakub Jakobson - manager of the Bydgoszcz mint). PRUS MAS SAM LIV NEC NON – SUE GOT VAN HÆ RED REX. Medalier: Jan Höhn. Kurpiewski – Kamiński 146 (R8); Raczyński 370; H-Czapski 1882 (R5); Frankiewicz 447. According to tradition, such coins were intended for the king's personal coffers for distribution. Medal 5-ducats did not serve as circulation coins; they were rewards and gifts. Therefore, there was no need to strictly adhere to the standard weight of ducats. Medal 5-ducats are very rare coins and exemplify baroque medallion art.
Price realized | 100 EUR |
Starting price | 1 EUR |