Bay Numismatics

Online Auction 6  –  2 - 3 October 2024

Bay Numismatics, Online Auction 6

Ancient and World Coins and Antiquities

Part 1: We, 02.10.2024, from 6:30 PM CEST
Part 2: Th, 03.10.2024, from 6:30 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


★ Byzantine lead seal of Antonios metropolitan of the town Sardis in Asia Minor (9th/10th c.). Un unpublished seal of high historical interest! ★

Obv.: Facial bust of the Mother of God "Nikopoios", nimbate, wearing chiton and maphorion, holding behore her chest Jesus Christ as a child nimbate, circular invocative inscription, +KE ROHΘΕΙ ΤΩ CΩ ΔΟΥΛ, (Lord, help your servant), dotted border.

Rev.: Legend in 5 lines, following a cross, +ΑΝΤΩ/ΝΙΩ [Μ]Η /ΤΡΟΠΟΛΙ[Τ]/Η CΑΡΔΕ/ ΩΝ (Antonios, metropolitan of Sardis), dotted border.

Minor flan cracks on obverse, cracked and open along channel on reverse, otherwise Very Fine plus, as in photos. Very well centered example. Uncleaned, with a charming natural cream patina.

A seal of the so called "Photian type", unpublished in the standard references, with a high historical importance.

Commentary: The owner of the present seal could be identified with much certainty to Saint Antonios, Metropolitan of Sardis, unknown to the Synaxarists. His memory is mentioned on 23rd of August, together with the Martyr Luppus, having a special service in his honor, in the Sinaitic Codex 631(10th/11th cent.). He flourished at the time of Nicholas the Mysticos, Patriarch of Constantinople, who during his second patriarchate (912-925) sent Antonios a warm friendly letter (critical edition in R. J.H. Jenkins-L.G.Westerink, Nicholas I Patriarch of Constantinople, Letters, Dumbarton Oaks 1973, Ep. 142, p. 456).
Antonios monk and metropolitan of Sardis, owner of a seal dateable to the mid ninth century (DOSeals III 32.4 = Zacos and Veglery 1327 (early ninth century), cf. Laurent, Corpus V, Addenda, p. 455, no. 365bis) is a different person, namesake and predecessor of our Antonios.

Weight:6,7 gr Diameter:24 mm

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Price realized 200 EUR 12 bids
Starting price 20 EUR
The auction is closed.
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