Egypt. Alexandria. Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270. Tetradrachm (Billon, 22.00 mm, 10.43 g) dated RY 2 (= 269-270) ΑΥΤ Κ ΚΛΑ ΥΔΙΟϹ ϹЄΒ Laureate and cuirassed bust of Claudius II right. Rev. Jugate busts of Nilus on the foreground, wearing lotus crown and holding cornucopia to left and Euthenia, draped and wearing grain wreath, LB (date) to right. Geissen 3044. Dattari-Savio 5405. BMC 2328. Milne 4244. Vogt II, 159. Emmett 3892. Extremely Fine.
Ex Vecchi, London, April 1978.
The coins of the second year of Claudius II’ reign (269-270 AD) display very often the divinities typical of Egyptian theology and worship, as on the reverse of this interesting tetradrachm where we see paired with their respective symbols, the bust of the Nile in the foreground and that of his complementary colleague consort Euthenia, or Prosperity with crown of spikes, both of remarkable style.